In today’s interconnected digital landscape, cyber security threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, posing significant risks to businesses and organizations of all sizes. It is now imperative for organizations to be able to quickly identify and resolve any vulnerabilities present within the environment that may be leaving them unknowingly exposed.
Routine Vulnerability Assessments provide organizations with the visibility require to quickly identify and remediate vulnerabilities present within their environment before they are exploited.
Vulnerabilities manifest for a variety of reasons, including – software bugs, configuration issues, missing patches and updates, default credentials being left on systems, etc. Unfortunately, this means that vulnerabilities manifest at any time, and for this reason vulnerability assessments should be thought of as an ongoing security practice rather than a one-time engagement.
More than a vulnerability scan.
LMQ Technology works diligently with its customers to minimize their exposure by identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing (or ranking) vulnerabilities present within the environment, along with implementing the necessary mechanisms required to ensure that the vulnerabilities do not reoccur. Effective analysis of the vulnerabilities discovered within the environment allows organizations to expedite the remediation process and ultimately lower their exposure.
In today’s interconnected digital landscape, cyber security threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, posing significant risks to businesses and organizations of all sizes. It is imperative for organizations to be able to quickly identify and resolve vulnerabilities present within the environment that may be leaving them unknowingly exposed.
LMQ Technology’s vulnerability management service allows organizations to quickly and effectively address any vulnerabilities present within the environment before they are exploited.
If your organization is fairly new to cyber security assessment services, choosing the correct service for your needs can be a daunting task, especially as many of the services available will have overlapping aspects.
Fundamentally, when considering these security assessment services, organizations should view them as building upon one another to increase the depth of the assessment being performed, with more in-depth engagements (e.g. Red Teaming) being most appropriate for those organizations with prior experience of penetration testing, as this will typically imply a more mature security posture.
If you would prefer to discuss your requirements with a friendly security advisor please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!
Familiarize yourself with the types of assessment service:
The fundamental purpose of a Red Team engagement is to assess and improve the “Blue Team’s” ability to detect and respond to a targeted attack. It allows organizations to challenge their operational security program through an adversarial lens.
Suited for: Organizations with a mature cyber security program with prior experience of utilizing penetration testing.
Builds upon simply discovering vulnerabilities and moves to actively exploiting them to discover how they may be used against the organization and to further an attack.
Suited for: All organizations that wish to improve their security posture by understanding how weaknesses within the environment may be used against them.
This type of exercise is designed to identify, quantify, and prioritize vulnerabilities (i.e. weaknesses) present within the environment that may be exploited by a malicious actor.
Suited for: All organizations that wish to remove vulnerabilities from their environment and resolve issues that allowed them to manifest.