Renewing Cisco ASA Certificates

Generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Step1. Create a keypair  crypto key generate rsa label <label> modulus <key_size> Step2. Create a trustpoint ## The trustpoint is a container for certificates and keys used by the Cisco ASA crypto ca

Exploring DNS Reconnaissance with DNSenum

DNS reconnaissance DNS reconnaissance is a critical phase in the realm of cybersecurity, allowing professionals to gather vital information about a target's DNS infrastructure. By understanding the domain's DNS records, administrators can assess potential vulnerabilities, discover misconfigurations, and fortify

Create an SSL Certificate Authority (CA)

In this short tutorial we will demonstrate how you can create your own SSL Certificate Authority to sign certificate requests created on internal devices. Software: Ubuntu 22.04(4) & EasyRSA. 1.) apt-get install easy-rsa 2.) cd /usr/share/easy-rsa/ 3.) ./easyrsa init-pki